Best Emily Carey movies

Best Emily Carey movies
Today we present the best Emily Carey movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen ... and that you love! Let's go there with the best movies from Emily Carey:

TOP 5:

Anastasia: Once Upon a Time

Anastasia: Once Upon a Time
Emily Carey as: Anastasia
Genre: Family, Adventure, Fantasy
Release: 2020
Anastasia Romanov escapes through a portal when her family is threatened by Vladimir Lenin, and she finds herself in the year 1988, befriended by a young American girl.
Did you know that this movie is also one of best Brandon Routh movies?

TOP 4:

Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider
Emily Carey as: Young Lara 14 years old
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Release: 2018
Lara Croft, the fiercely independent daughter of a missing adventurer, must push herself beyond her limits when she finds herself on the island where her father disappeared.
Did you know that this movie is also one of best Graham McTavish movies?

TOP 3:

Where Is Anne Frank

Where Is Anne Frank
Emily Carey as: Anne Frank (voice)
Genre: Animation, Drama, Family, History
Release: 2021
The film follows the journey of Kitty, the imaginary friend to whom Anne Frank dedicated her diary. A fiery teenager, Kitty wakes up in the near future in Anne Frank's house in Amsterdam and embarks on a journey to find Anne, who she believes is still alive, in today's Europe. While the young girl is shocked by the modern world, she also comes across Anne's legacy.
Did you know that this movie is also one of best Andrew Woodall movies?

TOP 2:

Monster Family 2

Monster Family 2
Emily Carey as: Mila Starr (voice)
Genre: Animation, Family, Comedy
Release: 2021
To free Baba Yaga and Renfield from the clutches of Monster Hunter Mila Starr, the Wishbone Family once more transforms into a Vampire, Frankenstein's Monster, a Mummy and a Werewolf but when aided by their three pet bats, the Monster Family zooms around the world again to save their friends, make new monstrous acquaintances.

TOP 1:

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman
Emily Carey as: Diana (12)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Release: 2017
An Amazon princess comes to the world of Man in the grips of the First World War to confront the forces of evil and bring an end to human conflict.

If you like the best Emily Carey movies, then you will also like the best Brandon Routh movies, where many of their films coincide.